Saturday, March 17, 2007

My weight's at about 177, I went up to 181 this week, and now I'm going back down. My boyfriend made a comment to me last night, something like "How's the weightloss going? I havent heard any updates lately" which I know means he can tell I'm not losing. I need to stop thinking I can eat the same things as he can. I really want to be skinny, I totally had a breakdown last night about it. It feels as if I've come so far, but Im stuck at this plateu... Today I've been good, I had one can of Vegetable soup (250) a piece of bread (85) and a diet cherry coke (0). I need to bump up the work out too, I've been spolied, I lost most of this weight on diet alone, but something tells me I'm not gonna be able to do that for this last 37. I think starting Monday I'm gonna try and hit the gym three days a week, even if that means I have to go alone. This needs to be done, and my goal has always been to be at 140 by my 21st birthday. That means I have to lose 2.8 lbs a week which means I need to be ULTRA good and not mess up.

1 comment:

J said...

you can't only eat that few calories and expect to lose weight. you are eating too little. check out edward jackowski- his book "escape your shape" has changed my life for real. i was 173 and now i'm 140. on my way to my goal of 135. i'm 5'6'' and i learned from his book that i was doing a lot of things wrong. i'm 23 years old and i am so glad that i found out about this before i was older, but wish id found it in high school!